Anyone who has read this blog, hear me speak, or seen me on social media, will know that diabetes language matters is a pet topic. I have always had a love for language and words, so it is probably no surprise that I have spent so much time considering diabetes and language and how the words we use impact on our experiences living with diabetes and dealing with healthcare.

On this page, you’ll find links to pieces I’ve written about diabetes language matters, and other useful resources. (This is a work in progress, so it may take some time to populate the page with all the links….)

I understand that diabetes language matters may not be a concern for everyone. I get that not everyone has the same passion and commitment to language matters that I do. Some people tell me that they believe there are far more important issues with which to be concerned. My response to that is that we can advocate from more than one thing. I am equally committed to access issues, and understand that there are people who are unable to access basic diabetes needs. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t also promote encouraging, non-judgemental and inclusive language.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about diabetes and language. And if you have any other resources or blog posts or articles about diabetes and language, please send me a message using this link.

The last word here goes to Professor Albus Dumbledore, whose message about language has become my mantra.