D blog week 2015 banner


It’s Diabetes Blog Week! Thanks to Karen from Bitter~Sweet Diabetes for coming up with and coordinating this exciting annual event. It’s a great chance to discover other diabetes bloggers from around the world. Here’s my first entry for the week!

I honestly believe it when I say that diabetes hasn’t stopped me from doing anything. I was diagnosed at 24 years at a really busy time where I was making plans, dreaming of my future and beginning to really think about who I wanted to be in this world.

And those plans I was making all happened. And the dreams came true. And I found my place in the world.

There are, however, some things of which I am particularly proud. The red velvet cake I made for Mother’s Day afternoon tea yesterday should probably get a mention. My book and boot collection make me proud as punch! I can recite pretty much the whole of Marx Bros’ A Night at the Opera. I can whip pretty much anyone at air hockey. But these things were never in question. I was always going to manage to achieve them. Diabetes or not.

But diabetes did make me wonder about some of the things I wanted to achieve. The dream of becoming a mum felt, for some time, as though it were slipping away. With diabetes mixed up in other serious health issues, getting pregnant – and staying that way – was something I thought would never happen . But that dream too came true in the form of a chubby-cheeked little baby girl who I am so privileged and lucky to call my daughter.

Diabetes doesn’t factor into the planning and shaping of my dreams and hopes. I wonder if it just makes me more desperate and determined to achieve. Is it despite or because of diabetes that we make plans – some large, some small – and then go all out to reach them?

because i'm crazy enough

I get the power of self talk and I also like to be positive. My diabetes has allowed that to a degree. It has played out in a way that hasn’t stopped me. Saying ‘I can’ has always ended up in ‘I did’ because, as well as being determined, the diabetes barriers have been minimal.

But that may not always be the case. I hope that if –when? – diabetes does throw up more challenges and makes things more difficult, I never stop dreaming and planning and hoping. I hope I never stop saying ‘I can do this’ – or even more so, ‘I did this’.
