I woke yesterday morning and it was a typical Sunday. The priority, as always, was a walk to the local café for that first cup of coffee and some breakfast. We all buzzed around getting ready to go and as I walked into the kitchen, I saw this…

overnight low 1

…and this…

overnight low 2

…and then remembered that I’d had a hypo overnight.

The splashback in our kitchen is purple tiles. I’m really not a fan. I despise purple – I think it’s tacky – and would much prefer something white and simple. To hide the purple-ness, I bought a Posca pen for us to use the tiles as a blank canvas to write notes, draw silly pictures, countdown to holidays and share things.

And apparently, I now use it as a hospital chart to document lows and what I consumed to get my BGLs back up.

Later in the day, I was scrolling through the photos on my phone and discovered that I had not only documented my BGLs and food intake, but I’d also taken photos of said food. Here you go:

overnight low3

I’ve no recollection of doing any of these things. I can only imagine what the neighbours would have thought if they’d spied me through the wall of windows at the back of our house shovelling down food and making notes on the wall. In my pyjamas. At 2.45am.

This is possibly the oddest behaviour ever for one of my lows. Obviously, given the quantity of food I consumed, I must have been feeling pretty shaky and desperate to feel that my BGLs were heading in the right direction. I woke yesterday morning without a hypo headache or the terribly high BGL that I would have expected as a result of so much food.

We got to our café and coffee and breakfast were consumed. Typical Sunday, with a weird little diabetes prelude.